Frequently Asked Questions
How will I know if ODOT plans to acquire my property?
The map included with the Project Pamphlet shows the areas where new permanent and temporary right-of-way (R/W) is proposed. These areas are also shown on the Interactive Map. The proposed R/W is preliminary and will be refined as the design for construction plans is developed. If your property will be affected, an ODOT- authorized agent will contact you in the future. It is anticipated that R/W acquisition for this project will begin in 2021, although this schedule is dependent on funding and subject to change. Click on the following link for additional information about ODOT's policy regarding property rights.
What is the process if ODOT needs some of my property? What if ODOT needs to buy my house or business?
ODOT will obtain an independent appraisal and present a fair market value offer for your property. Owners of affected homes or business will be provided with additional relocation assistance. Click on the following link for additional information about ODOT's policies regarding property rights and relocation assistance.
What if ODOT needs temporary access for construction or a maintenance easement?
Sometimes ODOT will need temporary access or an easement to maintain the highway and drainage structures. Owners will be compensated for temporary right-of-way and for maintenance easements. In these cases, you will maintain ownership of the property. If your property will be affected, an ODOT-authorized agent will contact you.
When will ODOT start buying property?
Right-of-way acquisition for this project is anticipated to start in 2021. However, the schedule is dependent on funding and subject to change.
When is construction scheduled to begin?
Construction is anticipated to begin in 2023. However, the schedule is dependent on funding and subject to change.
Why are you designing for a four-lane roadway and not a five-lane roadway?
A four-lane roadway is proposed to reduce the number of commercial and residential relocations. A five-lane roadway would require additional right-of-way increasing impacts to property owners.
How will the project be built?
US-77 will remain open during construction and phased construction will be utilized to maintain traffic. One lane of traffic in each direction will be maintained throughout construction.
Will noise walls be included in the project?
When the design is further along ODOT will conduct a Traffic Noise Study according to Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and ODOT policies and procedures using FHWA Traffic Noise Model version 2.5. This study will identify any anticipated noise impacts and the feasibility and reasonableness of noise walls, if necessary. However, due to the multiple access points along US-77, it is unlikely that noise walls would be able to be constructed and still maintain access to side streets and driveways.
Will there be access to my home and property during construction?
Yes, access to homes, businesses, and property adjacent to the project will be maintained during all phases of construction. In some cases, temporary drives may be required until permanent drives can be restored.
What other projects are planned for US-77?
The project to the north of this project (beginning just south of Moffat Road and extending north approximately 3 miles to Bryant Road) has been awarded and is currently under construction. The project further north to McGuire Road in Noble is anticipated to start construction in 2024. There is a map of the planned projects on US-77 in the Project Pamphlet and can be found on this page.